Here you will find valuable information on just about every possible topic of your Virtual Server.
Simply click on a topic on the right and it will take you to a description of that topic and in some cases give you possible scenarios that you may run into or may want to implement in your particular site.
We will start off with your Control Panel and work toward the individual sections of the Control Panel.
The Mailing Lists section is very complex and may require verbal direction. If you need some help with this section please feel free to call us, and we would be more than happy to assist you.
The Shopping Cart System is also very complex and may require some additional help. The software is developed by Akopia and is called InterChange. It is very complex and extremely powerful. We too are still trying to figure out some of the many features of this massive package. If you have ever used Miva Merchant, you will understand exactly what we mean by complex.
The SQL Database requires that you have a full understanding of programming. We do not offer much support for this product unless there is a problem with the server or the software.
Please go through these sections prior to asking for help. Most questions can be answered by simply reading at the appropriate section. If for any reason you do have question, by all means ask. You can send an E-Mail to the following address: and we would be more than happy to answer your questions promptly.
We hope you enjoy this new type of control in your web hosting package. It is considered the most intuitive control panel system in the industry and will continue to be developed and upgraded.
Las Vegas Web Hosting, Management Team
Telephone Tech Support Services
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(702) 845-ODDI (6334)